Regime Montanhoso
A two-person show of David Correia Gonçalves and Manuel Fonseca at CAAA in Guimarães, PT
Curated by Sónia Moura

Cabeça e torso,2020
Travertino, painted iron
83x24x18 cm

Estrela carente, 2019
Limestone lioz, iron
199x5,5x12 cm

Still a plinth, 2019
Black limestone, iron
8x164x16 cm

A importância da pele, 2019
A copy of a stone part sculpture (a importância da dança) on wax with painted iron
variable dimensions
The work that I am developing in stone emerges from vague ideas that I explore through the routine of process-making. This language begins in simple starting points, and then, throughout the process of sculpting - which already has a lot of conditioning; ie. scale , color, weight, etc...- different problems arise. The decision to choose any stone block material leftovers, which already exists physically in a certain space, is inherently a part of the process of working said material.
Other ideas of limitation appear along the way. For example, the scale limitation of my working bench. This made me dwell on a lot of questions such as, How can this externality affect my work, indirectly? How can a functional working device relate to the stone piece itself? The understanding of these questions made me decide to use them as one of the premises of the work.
These ideas of relating and the inter-changeability of day-to-day objects and the process of sculpting in stone became part of the work. This helps me to raise the scale of these objects for one side, and to rethink the object on the other, giving them another level of meaning.